This article could be a game-changer or a potential pathway to riches. It's time to address the world's problems amidst all the troubling news, such as rising unemployment, the automation of jobs by drones, a looming housing crisis, and sensational celebrity mysteries. Instead of dwelling on what's in store for 2013 and the antics of figures like Lindsay Lohan, let's get to work flexing our idea muscles.

The idea muscle, like any other, can atrophy without exercise. Consistent daily practice is essential, whether the ideas generated are good or bad. There's no such thing as a "bad" exercise session. So, let's conjure up ideas with the aim of benefiting a million people or, if they don't pan out, becoming the source material for a captivating science fiction novel that a million people would enjoy. Feel free to mix and match ideas, as this is all about honing our creative abilities.

1) I had an idea here, but I decided to discard it. Admitting when ideas are subpar is essential. I'll elaborate on this later.

2) "Klout as Currency" - Imagine using Klout as a form of currency. This concept holds water when you think about it. A $5 donation from me to a donut shop doesn't carry the same weight as a $5 contribution from someone like Barack Obama. This elevates that donut shop to "The Presidential Donut Shop." Thus, B's $5 is far more valuable than mine. After all, paper currency is essentially a blank slate; it's the holder that infuses value into it.

Combining Klout and currency makes sense in today's world. Individuals with higher Klout scores should have greater purchasing power since their currency holds more sway. When they make purchases, they bestow Klout upon the seller, who can then buy more items. We're already moving in this direction; just look at Oprah, whose Klout score is infinite. When Oprah endorses a book, the author's wealth surges. If Oprah purchased a pencil from me, my Klout score would skyrocket by 80%, give or take. The middle class is dwindling, and temporary staffers are trading in scrip, while affluent individuals are buying Twitter followers. We're inevitably headed toward a Klout-based economy, so let's make it a reality.

3) "Using Global Warming to Solve Global Warming" - It's surprising that no one has considered this solution yet. The term "Global Warming" implies that the planet's surface is heating up and emitting energy. Why not utilize photovoltaic strips to capture this emitted energy and reduce our reliance on carbon-based energy sources? Problem solved.

This approach offers the flexibility that if global warming subsides, the technique won't work. No problem; we can revert to carbon-based energy until the planet's temperature rises again. I'm ready to meet with Al Gore to discuss this idea.

4) "3D Printing of Humans" - 3D printing is all the rage these days, but let's take it a step further with "3D Human Printing." Suppose I can't physically attend a meeting in India, 8,000 miles away, but I still want to be present. I slip into my virtual reality suit at home and activate it. Simultaneously, in a conference room in Bangalore, another suit springs to life. I see what that suit sees through my suit's video screen. When I move my arms, the distant suit mirrors my actions. My speech is transmitted through that suit in my own voice, creating the illusion that I am physically present. My presence is essentially projected into the room in Bangalore.

Video conferencing can't truly replicate the experience of being there in person, but this technology tricks the minds of others in the room into believing I'm right there with them. It's akin to making a robot with a human body; many people view such a creation as almost human, despite it being a machine. This idea can be personally developed, and I have a strong motivation for it, as I'm not a fan of travel and prefer the comforts of home. With this invention, I can explore the world from my own living room, even venturing to Easter Island. This concept is akin to Teleportation 101.

5) "Advertising in Houses" - Initially, this may sound unappealing – ads on the walls of your home, perhaps framed like pictures or integrated into mirrors. However, consider the potential. In exchange for allowing advertising throughout your home, your house price is reduced. For instance, you might see "daily deals" projected onto your shower curtain. Ad agencies agree to subsidize a portion of your home's cost, and they employ software to listen to your phone conversations. Forget "social media"; this is about understanding your interests during actual social interactions – your phone conversations. If, for example, you mention on a call that you'd like to go skiing but can't afford it, offers for discounted skiing trips pop up on your shower curtain. It's a win-win-win scenario: you earn money while conversing with friends, your house becomes more affordable, and companies boost sales, improving the economy and employment prospects, ultimately improving life from "bad" to "good."

6) "Happiness Hotspots" - Many proposals aim to alert you when friends are nearby, but this one takes a different approach. Research suggests it's better to be surrounded by positive individuals than negative ones, as positive people uplift while negative people drag down. So here's the idea: Everyone wears earplugs equipped with brain scan technology, which continuously scans brain activity. The brain scans are compared to a database of 10,000 scans labeled "happy" or "sad." Standard speech recognition is then used to classify the user's brain scan as "happy" or "sad."

With this system, my Google Maps can display shades on the map, with the brightest colors indicating areas with the happiest people and the darker colors marking areas with more negativity. When deciding whether to head uptown or downtown, you can consult the Happiness Map to identify the happiest areas and choose your destination. Even if your friends aren't there, you can make new friends in these happy hotspots.

7) "40% Unemployment" - Most people are not well-suited for their jobs, which is a simple fact. Few individuals truly excel at what they do, but robots often perform better. Apple is moving its production back to the US because too many Chinese factory workers were experiencing distress. Robots don't suffer from such issues and work more efficiently.

Hence, what society needs is a 40% to 50% unemployment rate. Here's the solution: Companies should be incentivized to replace human workers with robots. The excess profits gained from letting people go are taxed at a reduced rate. The "robot taxes" collected are placed in a government fund used to provide subsidies to those who lose their jobs. These subsidies last for three years, giving individuals a three-year window to start a new business. Ideally, these businesses should use robots instead of human labor to remain competitive. If they can't establish a business, they can find work as temporary staff. This might seem harsh, but it reflects the direction our world is moving, with robots becoming the new middle class. Others will need to become entrepreneurs or temp staffers to adapt to these shifts.

8) "Brain Dating" - Traditional dating services often fail, leading to a rise in divorce rates and unfaithfulness. Brain dating is designed to revolutionize the dating landscape and reduce the pain and suffering associated with romantic relationships. The concept behind brain dating is simple yet groundbreaking. Instead of relying on traditional compatibility measures, brain dating delves deep into neuroscience to foster enduring connections.

Brain dating starts by collecting brain scans from couples who have enjoyed successful, enduring marriages, free of major issues, over the course of 40 years. We exclude couples who merely claim to have had their share of challenges but remained together. The goal is to identify those rare unions characterized by minimal difficulties.

Once we've compiled a database of these exceptional brain scans, we filter out any couples with genuine problems and focus on the select few who've navigated smooth, joyful relationships. Your journey into brain dating begins with submitting your own brain scan. Our sophisticated algorithm then combines your scan with those of women in the database to find the closest matches to these paradigms of enduring love.

The result is a tailored list of potential matches. For a modest fee of $10,000, we arrange your first meeting with a handpicked individual whose brain scan aligns most closely with the happiness profiles we've identified. This is the beginning of a lifetime of marital bliss, and we guarantee your satisfaction or your money back.

9) "The 'Like' Button in Contact Lenses" - With the advent of contact lenses that can read SMS texts, it's clear that we're moving closer to a future of constant communication. But why stop there? Let's take it a step further. Imagine meeting someone, instantly connecting, and showing your approval with a simple double blink. In a world where the number of "Likes" becomes a reflection of your daily interactions, your contact lens tracks these connections.

For example, if you meet someone and quickly blink twice to "Like" them, your contact lens registers this preference. Throughout the day, other people who encounter you can see that "Sharon has received 158 Likes today." This real-time social approval becomes a measure of your daily interactions. You can also view which of your friends have "Liked" the person you've met.

If you're having an off day and only receive a few "Likes," people will give you your space, recognizing that you may need a break. Life can be stressful, and the "Likes" metric helps others understand your current state of mind. We don't just want social media; we aim for social life.

10) I'm currently drawing a blank on a concept that starts with "J." My mental faculties are feeling fatigued. If you can come up with a compelling "J" idea to round out this list to a solid ten, I'd greatly appreciate it. If any of these ideas eventually evolve into a billion-dollar enterprise, I'll gladly share a portion of the company and some of my Klout score with you. Please follow me on Twitter to boost my Klout score. Your support is greatly appreciated. I adore you.

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